Digital painting
Full body w/ simple bg

120 usd

(add. character pricing subject to size)

Digital Painting
waist up w/ simple bg

80 usd

(add. character pricing subject to size)


80 USD - Coloured*
60 USD- Grayscale

(add. character pricing subject to size)*Simple BG available for coloured versions only

Faq & ToS

What i can & cannot draw:


  • WoLs

  • Original Characters

  • Fan Art

  • LGBT pairings

  • Animals (myth or real) ∣ Furries ∣ Anthro

  • Mild NSFW (i.e. pin-ups, nude)

  • Simple backgrounds

No go....

  • Hardcore NSFW

  • Hateful imagery and ideology

  • Detailed backgrounds

  • Detailed clothing/armor*

  • Machinery/vehicles*

*Can be considered depending on the complexity of the design and refs provided


  1. Consultation on the artwork to be produced via Instagram/Twitter/Discord direct message. Please prepare sufficient visual references and additional info (i.e. poses, mood, clothing). Moodboards are also helpful! :^)

  2. Work on artwork will commence once payment (partial or full) has been made.

  3. Sketch will be sent for approval and ammendments until deemed satisfactory.

  4. Progress shots of the rendering process will be updated regularly.

  5. Link to finished artwork(s) will be shared via WeTransfer.

Terms of Service

  • Artwork(s) commissioned are digital and will be given as high-res PNG file. No physical prints of completed work will be given.

  • Artwork(s) commissioned is strictly for personal use only and not to be used for profit (including transactions made in cryptocurrency).

  • Artwork(s) comissioned shall not be used in the training of AI.

  • Any major changes (based on my discretion) done after the initial sketch has been approved will be charged an additional 50 USD (20 USD for portrait commissions).

  • Finished artwork(s) may be uploaded onto my social media channels as samples. Proper credit will be tagged/mentioned. Requests for removal can be made via DM.


Payments and invoices are to be sent via PayPal. Partial payments (50% of total price) are accepted. However, a low res, watermarked version of the finished artwork(s) will be given until payment has been made in full. Local Bank Transfer available for Malaysians.

Got an inquiry? Want something specific not currently offered? No worries! Feel free to contact me thru my socials :^)